Privacy Policy

Outline Video Privacy Policy

Privacy policies are often boring, and nobody reads them. Instead of using a standard template, We've decided to write our own.

As a privacy enthusiast, We care deeply about your privacy. While it's easy to hide behind vague statements, We want to share our approach and vision of privacy and how We handle it for you.

Although We may share general project statistics and technical details publicly, We will never share your personal information or any details that could lead to your impersonation, except as required to operate the service.

Third-Party Services

We carefully select third-party providers to ensure We don't share more than necessary to use their services. Below is a list of providers We use, along with links to their privacy policies and explanations of how and why We use them:

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have certain rights regarding your data, including the rights to access, rectify, erase, restrict processing, data portability, and object to processing. You may exercise these rights by contacting me using the contact information provided below.

Updates to the Policy

We may update this privacy policy from time to time. Any updates will be posted on this page, and We encourage you to review this privacy policy regularly.

Contact if you have any questions, objections, or requests.